Total War: ROME II - Beasts Of War Unit Pack

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Athena, Bellona, Andraste, Mars: whichever war deity these soldiers pledged their lives to received a solemn promise of victory in the face of even the most formidable enemies. Whether in defence of their homelands, or called upon to fulfil their part in glorious conquest, female combat units featured throughout the ancient world. Adding a swift and deadly mix of fighting styles and abilities to the fray, generals will wisely place value on those who aspire to be the avatar of the war gods themselves!

Can be recruited by Rome, or as mercenaries in Italia.Honed to a razor-edge through countless drills and contests in the arena, Gladiators and Gladiatrices are ruthless and skilled brawlers. Their sledgehammer approach to melee brooks no compromise, and in the right circumstances, they can inflict heavy losses on traditional soldiery. Heavily armoured and disciplined, Gladiatrices are more formidable defenders than their arena-trained male counterparts, and every bit their equals in their lust for battle.

Mercenary Kushite shieldwomen
Can be recruited as mercenaries in Aethiopia.The fiercely independent Kushite Nubians are a geopolitical force to be reckoned with. Their mounted archers and skilled infantry have repelled Roman advances on multiple occasions, ably demonstrating their proficiency in large-scale battle. The zealous, spear-armed warriors of the Kushite Shieldwomen are swift, agile and deadly; able to strike swiftly from woodlands and trained to form up effectively in defence, Cavalry commanders would be wise to fear them.

Lusitani Swordswomen
Can be recruited by The Lusitani, or as mercenaries in Lusitania.Honed by generations of conflict and rightly feared for their lightning ambush tactics, The Lusitani have built a reputation as excellent guerrilla warriors. Trained to advance under the whittling fire provided by the Cantabrian Circle, their swift and hard-hitting Swordswomen are adept at exploiting woodlands to remain hidden while they move. When the charge comes, it is swift, sudden, frenzied and terrifying; though used carefully, Lusitani Swordswomen can also mount a formidable defence.

Cimbri Bow-Women
Can be recruited by The Suebi.Like many Germanic tribes, the dense woodlands of northern Europe have impelled the Suebi to develop superior guerrilla warfare techniques. Adept at making the most of cover and striking from a hidden position, the Cimbri Bow-Women are amongst the finest archers the Suebi can field. With superior weapon range and damage, they can wreak havoc before they are even detected. If attacked directly however, they can give a better account of themselves in melee than their principal role suggests.

Spear Gladiatrices
Can be recruited by Rome, or as mercenaries in Italia.Bringing the bloodthirsty and brutal melee techniques of the arena to the battlefield, Gladiatrices make excellent shock-troops. When armed with spears, these warriors gain a defensive edge over their sword-wielding battle-sisters, making them better prepared in the face of an assault. Arranged effectively, they can stop the hammer-blow of a cavalry charge in its tracks, and their frenzied riposte can inflict horrific casualties.

Gorgo’s Skirmishers
Can be recruited by Sparta, or as mercenaries in Hellas.The citizens of Sparta were among the finest infantry in the ancient world. With the Helots performing the ‘lesser’ functions of society such as agriculture, Spartan warriors were free to engage in the all-encompassing pursuit of excellence in combat. Athletics and weapon-drills were not the sole preserve of men, however. Faster-firing and heavier-hitting than standard sling-wielding units, Gorgo’s Skirmishers make a valuable addition to any Spartan force.

Can be recruited by The Suebi, or as mercenaries in Suebia, Silesia, and Magna Germania.Independent, proud, and with powerful gods watching over them, The Germanic peoples are famed for their ferocious warriors. The women of the Suebi are no exception, and carry the will of the tribe into battle as ably as the men. Standing side-by-side with their Suebian Spear-Brothers, Spearwomen are exquisite defenders, capable of blunting a charge and instilling fear in the enemies of the tribe. Their training lends them versatility however, and they can quickly switch to an offensive role as the situation demands.

Total War: ROME II – Beasts of War

Total war: rome ii - beasts of war unit packet

Marshall your savagery, and strike primal fear into the hearts of your enemies with the Beasts of War unit pack for ROME II. Comprising seven new battlefield units, Beasts of War brings further variety to ROME II’s already diverse unit roster.

Terrorise your enemies and slow their progress with beehive, scorpion and snake-pot ballistas, or crush them under the weight of heavily-armoured Cataphract Camels and Mercenary Syrian Armoured Elephants. And when their will is broken and they flee the field, run them down with two new breeds of ferocious war-dogs.

Beasts of War brings introduces the following recruitable units to ROME II:

• Molossian Dogs

Total War: Rome Ii - Beasts Of War Unit Packs

Can be recruited by: Epirus

A heavily muscled beast from western Greece, the now-extinct Molossian is considered to be the predecessor of many of today’s larger breeds, such as the Rottweiler and Great Dane. Used as both a guard dog and in battle, Virgil remarked “never, with them on guard, need you fear for your stalls a midnight thief, or onslaught of wolves, or Iberian brigands at your back.” These vicious dogs do not tire easily, and never lose the scent of an enemy.

• Beehive Onager

Can be recruited by: Athens, Epirus, Macedon, Sparta, and Syracuse

Whilst large-scale beekeeping for agricultural purposes was a later innovation, the humble honeybee nevertheless held an important place in ancient Greek culture. A trio of mythical nymphs, the Thriae or ‘bee maidens’, were loved by Apollo and Poseidon, bearing their children. Bees also have a practical application in battle, as a swarm of angry bees will always cause troops to stall and panic.

• Scorpion Pot Ballista

Can be recruited by: Pontus, Parthia

Home to the most lethal scorpions in the known world, whose sting can paralyse and kill a man within an hour, it was only a matter of time before a wily Middle Eastern general used them against his enemies. Spare a thought, then, for the Roman emperor Severus; whilst besieging the Parthian city of Hatra, his army was showered with pots of scorpions from atop the city walls. Like Trajan before him, Severus failed to breach the defences, even after two attempts.

Total War: Rome Ii - Beasts Of War Unit Package

• Snake Pot Ballista

Total War: Rome Ii - Beasts Of War Unit Packing

Can be recruited by: Carthage

Total War: Rome Ii - Beasts Of War Unit Packet

Perhaps the most famous use of potted animals was Hannibal Barca’s tactic against the fleets of Eumenes II of Pergamon. Hurling large clay pots full of venomous snakes onto the decks of Eumenes’ ships; he panicked the enemy fleet and won the day. Any unit struck by writhing, venomous snakes will pause to consider the wisdom of marching onwards!

• Camel Cataphracts

Can be recruited by: Parthia

The Roman general Macrinus was not noted for his experience, although had another fought the Battle of Nisbis in 217 AD, it’s hard to imagine he’d be any less stunned by the Parthian cataphract camels fielded that day. Wearing coats of tough, yet flexible, scale-mail, they made an awesome and terrifying sight as they punched through the frontlines and spooked the Roman horses with their camels’ earthy stench.

Total War Rome Ii - Beasts Of War Unit Pack

• Celtic Warhounds

Can be recruited by: Iceni, Cantiaci, Caledones, Demetae, Dunmonii, Brigantes, and Ebdani


Dogs have always been useful for guard, patrol and scout work. With skilled handlers they can also be used effectively on the battlefield. Attack dogs were specifically bred and trained to ignore the noise and chaos of combat. The Celtic tribes of the late Iron Age put them to great use. Their speed and ferocity made them ideal shock-troops, and perfect for running down fleeing stragglers.

• Mercenary Syrian Armoured Elephants

Can be hired as mercenaries in: Dura, Antioch, Tyros, and Palmeira

Indian elephants first came to the Middle East when Seleucus, one of Alexander the Great’s Successors, invaded India in 305 BC. 500 war elephants were handed over as part of the peace treaty between the Seleucid dynasty and the Mauryans of India, and the Seleucids went on to breed many more from this initial stock. War elephants remained an important part of the Seleucid army until their defeat by the Romans at Magnesia in 190 BC, following which they were forbidden from breeding more.

• Wolf Warriors

In the Germanic world, the cult of Wodenaz was so large that people of the age often had wolf-related names, such as Vulfolaic ('Wolf-dancer'), Wolfhetan ('Wolf-hide'), and Wolfdregil ('Wolf-runner'). Wolfgang, or 'Wolf-gait', has remained a popular German name to this day. The Wolf Warriors, available to the Suebi and as mercenaries for holders of any province in Germania, drape themselves in wolf-hides and fight with the spirit of Wodenaz.

• Sobek Cultists

Defender of the Nile and protector of Pharaoh's power, Sobek was the crocodile-headed god of ancient Egypt from the Old Kingdom period through to the Ptolemaic dynasty and beyond. As such, crocodiles were venerated for their violent, primal qualities, and were even bred on temple sites as a living personifications of the god, and mummified when they died. With titles such as 'One who buries the bodies of the crocodile-gods of the Land of the Lake' and 'prophet of the crocodile-gods', the priests of the cult of Sobek served him completely in the main temple at Shedet in defence of the Pharaoh and his subjects. Clad in the hides of the sacred crocodile, the Sobek Cultists are available to recruit for Egypt.

• Mercenary Leopard Warriors

Being Egypt’s neighbour, Nubia also became, at times, its greatest enemy, and the population were often enslaved and used as soldiers. In 750BC Nubians even managed to conquer Egypt, and ruled for one hundred years, such was the deep rivalry that existed between the two. Consisting mainly of mercenaries from its various regions, the armies of Nubia were famed for their aggression and fearlessness on the battlefield. The Leopard Warriors are no exception: clad in the skins of swift and deadly leopards, they are a force to be reckoned with. Available to recruit as mercenaries when holding Egypt in the Grand Campaign.